
I have written a clsuter/network module to transport nodes over network
(atm only nodes are serializable, not osg::objects).

I have play a bit with the zlib compressor and the binary and ascii version.

My result was a larger binary result as ASCII result of the identical node.
I didn't expect this, I always thought ascii format is larger than binary..

Do I miss something, or I just my binary cluster implementation buggy?

My Processing-pipline is:
- serialize node to std::stringstream
- extracting string of stringstream and pass it as chr* to the socket.

btw: At the end, when my code is robust and well factored, is there any 
interest to add a cluster-node to OSG to allow highlevel UDP stream over 
network? Something like:


osg::cluster mycluster = new osg:cluster();
mycluster->init( <port>, <destination address>, <useCompressor>, <asAscii> );
mycluster->sendNode( mynode);
mynode = mycluster->readNode();

Thank you!


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