Hi Chris,

How old is this post?!

The height of the reflection clip plane is set in OceanScene.cpp
around line 412.

osg::ClipPlane* reflClipPlane = new osg::ClipPlane();
reflClipPlane->setClipPlane( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -getOceanSurfaceHeight() );
_reflectionClipNode = new osg::ClipNode;

It should be pretty easy to add a mutator to offset it, if you do send
it in and I'll merge it.

Also have you tried the version in the trunk? I fixed a strange
reflection issue a while back where it seemed that you were seeing the
interior but in fact it was due me forgetting to disable back face
culling on the reflection pass.

Details here: 


On 24 May 2010 18:34, Chris Innanen <f...@nonsanity.com> wrote:
> Kim Bale wrote:
> > Yes I believe you're seeing the underside of your terrain in the water
> > there, a result of the clip plane being set too low.
> I think this is exactly what I'm seeing at the moment. I'm using osgEarth to 
> create the terrain, and if the camera is over the water at a height less than 
> the depth of the water at that point, it all looks fine. If the camera's 
> height above the water is greater than the depth, then I see the underside of 
> the terrain, including the seams.
> It's a strange and disconcerting effect when flying over the water. :) But 
> it's something I need to get rid of.
> Clip plane being set too low... I thought at first I knew what that meant I 
> had to do to fix this, but I appear to be wrong. Any other hints?
>  ~ Chris Innanen
>  ~ Nonsanity
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