Hi osgUsers,

We have created huge forests using shapefiles to preprocess textures with
positions where trees should be located.
Then we instance all the trees using a shader, this works very well and we
can have over 100000 trees without any
framerate drop.

Because all the trees are instanced on the GPU we have no way of using
intersection, because the geometry doesn't
really exist. To solve this problem we decided to use a camera as a form of
intersection. By setting the camera at a
certain location and pointing it in the direction you want to intersect we
render the scene, but instead of rendering an
image of the scene we use a shader to save the positions for everything
rendered, then we do a simple inverse view matrix
on the position in the texture (center position) and we have a collision
hitpoint in world coordinates. This works very well
too, but but but.... because the camera is in it's own thread
(multithreading) we are always a frame or two out of sync. So
this is not a good solution for realtime :(  we could of course change to
single threaded,,.. by why?

Is there another method of intersecting with instanced geometry in the GPU?

any suggestions,
Peter Wraae Marino

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