Hi All,

I'm trying to write 3d texture data to file but when loading back into
osg::Image I'm getting rubbish:

Writing to file with 3d texture data:

unsigned int size = image->getTotalSizeInBytesIncludingMipmaps();
fout.write( (char*)image->data(), size );

Reading from file:

unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[texSize*texSize*texSize*4];
std::ifstream fin("image3ddata2",std::ios::binary);
fin.read((char*)&data ,(sizeof(unsigned char)* 4 * texSize * texSize *
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = new osg::Image;
image->setImage(texSize,texSize,texSize,4, GL_RGBA,

Can anyone see anything I'm doing wrong? Either Writing or Reading?

Best Regards


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