
I tried osgocclusionquery example with a city model we have and observed
 that it can reduce the number of rendered objects significantly.

However, osgocclusionquery example can not make parallel rendering. I
tried with all threading modes and saw that draw always starts *after*
cull is finished. As a result, the performance gain from occlusion tests
 is lost due to serialized rendering pipeline.

With osgviewer cull and draw perfectly overlaps.

I looked into the code and saw that there are a few setDataVariance(
osg::Object::DYNAMIC ) calls in OcclusionQueryNode.cpp. I guess this is
the reason why rendering pipeline is not parallel with occlusion queries.

Is DYNAMIC data variance a necessity for OccluderQuery? If so, is there
a way to use occlusion queries and still make parallel cull & draw.

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