Hi Serge,

I am sorry I have no experience with osgPPU. Long ago (2 years ?) we tried it  
with HDR and it seemed to work with LispSM shadows on our testbed. Have not 
tested since then. I could not help you at the moment, I am on vacations and my 
computer is a netbook. Send me a private email next week if you still have a 
problem, I will try to test it...

Wojtek Lewandowski.  

PS. Do you by an chance test on ATI ? All techniques stemming from 
StandardShadowMap do not look good on latest Windows Catalyst drivers due to 
ATI VertexShader bugs (I can prove it).

From: Serge Lages 
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 7:37 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
Subject: [osg-users] osgPPU and osgShadow::MinimalShadowMap

Hi all, 

I am currently having troubles trying to make work osgPPU and specially HDR 
with osgShadow::MinimalShadowMap, you can find my test program attached (it 
comes from the list archive, I've made small modifications). Without shadows, 
it works fine, with MinimalShadowMap, I only have a black model (I am using 
cow.osg, with the teapot I have a white screen). Here is my command line :
osgppu_viewer.exe Data\hdr.ppu Data\cow.osg

Any idea where it comes from ?
Thanks !

Serge Lages


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