
I'm trying to understand how the OSG ShadowMap class works on a frame by frame 
basis. I understand that the shadow is computed when the Cull Visitor hits the 
ShadowedScene node, which has the ShadowMap technique set to it. 
Right now, adding the Shadow technique and supplying it with the light to use, 
as well as the texture size doesn't seem to be doing anything, as in the scene 
is exactly the same with or without the shadow technique being applied to the 
root ShadowedScene node. 

one gotcha is that we aren't calling .frame(), instead we are manually calling 
updateTraversal() and renderingTraversals() on the viewer, due to some changes 
we needed to make to not have the back buffer automatically flip at the end of 
a render. Is this skipping something that we will need to do, or should I look 
elsewhere for the cause of the issue?
Also, in a more general sense, how are the uniforms and shaders propogated down 
the scene? After looking around the Shadow Map code, I can't seem to understand 
how those get applied on each frame to the children of the node, I'm sure I'm 
missing something blindingly obvious in this regard.

Any pointers or guidance (or requests for more information) would be 

Thank you!


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