Alice Yin wrote:

I am rewriting my code into OSG. One function I want to use is to specify each 
level of the mipmap image by myself, just as glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, 
GL_RGB, cols, rows, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, Data) does.

Is there a function in OSG like this? I haven't found yet. If not, is it 
possible to extend the osg::Texture2D class to do this job?

Hi, Alice,

You can do this with the setImage() and setMipmapLevels() methods in osg::Image. It's rather clunky to use, but it works.

If you need an example, look at the dds plugin (around line 655 of ReaderWriterDDS.cpp)


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