Hi Alice,

----- "Alice Yin" a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am rewriting my code into OSG. One function I want to use is to
> specify each level of the mipmap image by myself, just as
> glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_RGB, cols, rows, 0, GL_RGB,
> GL_FLOAT, Data) does. 
> Is there a function in OSG like this? I haven't found yet. If not, is
> it possible to extend the osg::Texture2D class to do this job?

Mipmap control is located in osg::Image. You can tell if you want automatic 
generation or if you want to provide your own data for each level. In that 
latter case, you have to concatenate the levels in the data, and provide 
offsets to tell where in the data, each level starts.

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