Hi All,

I've just been doing some testing and run osgparticleeffects and found
that the particle systems it's generating are all over the place, so
clearly there has been a serious regression in osgParticle.  The two
likely culprits are Wang Rui's changes or my changes in support of

Unfortunately I don't have time left today to investigate further.  So
I'll need to come back to this issue next Monday and try for a 2.9.9
next week.

Right, now I need to unwind a bit, too much frantic code reviewing,
testing and fixing isn't great race prep...  as tomorrow morning I've
got a 41 mile ultra-marathon to do!!  I've entered the the River Ayr
Way Challenge which follows the river from it's source all the back to
the coast ;-)

Have a great weekend all!
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