Hi OSGers,

I'm using setAttribute(osg::Material* mat) on a matrix transform to control the 
color of an object (just a simple sphere for now, nothing fancy).  Just using 
task manager in windows to watch process memory usage, I noticed that upon 
adding an object to the scene, the memory usage would start to creep upward.  
Thinking this was a leak of some kind in my application I looked into it 
further and found that the creep (~20kB/sec) was dependent on calling 
getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttribute(Material) for the first time - If I never 
set a material, the memory usage stays constant.  When I wait for a key press 
and then set the material, the creep starts right away.  If I remove the node, 
the usage stops increasing but does not decrease.  Finally, if I just let it 
run, after a while (~500kB worth) the memory usage plateaus and is steady.

I'm wondering if this something I should be worried about or not moving 
forward, or if that just happens and it isn't really an issue... either way I 
wouldn't mind knowing what's going on.

Thank you!


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