Hi John,

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 5:40 PM, John Kelso <ke...@nist.gov> wrote:
> Our next step will be to try mosaic mode as suggested by both Wojtek and
> some folks from Nvidia.  We'll create one big window that covers all four
> cards and open 4 viewports on it, one viewport per card, and see what the
> performance is.

This approach will force the OSG to run with a single graphics thread,
and end up throwing 4 times as much data at this graphics context.
On the driver side this graphics context will also have to have either
be a proxy context that has four contexts underneath, or a context
that is duplicated four times for each graphics card and cull on
viewport if that's possible.  Scalability wise this solution is crazy
and smacks of hacks to get games to scale across multiple graphics
cards when they are only written to render to one.   This *really*
isn't the way one should design software and drivers if you want
maximum scalability.

If this works then there is clearly some big issue with the graphics
driver not handling a single process with multiple threads and
multiple contexts.  We can't rule out the OSG not managing things
perfectly, but it's written to abides by all the right principles for
getting things to scale.  I'm intrigued to see how things pan out.

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