Maybe :

textureDepthStencil->setInternalFormat( GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT );
camera->attach(osg::Camera::PACKED_DEPTH_STENCIL_BUFFER, textureDepthStencil);
Could work. As the depth and stencil buffer are packed, so should the texture.

there is a paragraph that starts with :
    In addition, a new base internal format, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT, can
    be used by both texture images and renderbuffer storage.  When an
    image with a DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT internal format is attached to both
    the depth and stencil attachment points of a framebuffer object (see
    EXT_framebuffer_object), then it becomes both the depth and stencil
    buffers of the framebuffer...

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