Hi all,

In the past few months I saw that OSG was ported to iPhone and worked
well. It is also being prepared to be migrated to more mobile
platforms like Android and Symbian (e.g. a new OpenThreads
implementation with Qt). With these in mind, I'm now considering if we
could provide a lightweighted STL library instead of the normal one
while porting OSG to mobile devices.

The STL library itself may be too large for developing with memory
limitation. Although memory size is not so important in modern desktop
and mobile platforms, we can still benifit from the maximum saving of
resources, and make use of possibly cleaner and faster code,
especially in the rendering back-end. I've had a glance of the uSTL
library (http://ustl.sourceforge.net/) and thought it might be a good

I haven't planned for any implementations about merging uSTL into OSG
or implementing another one to replace the normal STL library when
required for mobile developing, but just would like to start a
discussion at present. One of my friend is working in Nokia and he
provides me some useful information of the concept of uSTL, and a
portable version of it under Symbian. I really hope somebody
(including myself :-) can give more suggestions and solutions, and
work out a usable mobile version of OSG in the future.


Wang Rui
osg-users mailing list

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