On 12/08/2010 10:36 AM, Paavo M??kel?? wrote:

I recently started learning OSG and everything has worked Ok, but I ran into a 
(possibly trivial) problem. I have a simple scenegraph with 2 models in it 
(osg::Node) and they have osg::MatrixTransformation parents. This works just 

Then I changed the MatrixTransforms into osgSim::DOFTransforms, and the models 
no longer appear! In renderstats the figures look the same as earlier, so the 
models definitely are there somewhere. What am I missing here?

Most likely, you're not using DOFTransform correctly. DOFTransform was written specifically to accomodate the way OpenFlight models specify transformations (particularly, animated transformations). Is there a specific reason you're using DOFTransform? If not, I recommend sticking with MatrixTransform (or PositionAttitudeTransform, if its more convenient for what you're doing).

If you going just from a MatrixTransform to a DOFTransform, you should probably only be using the setCurrentTranslation(), setCurrentHPR(), and setCurrentScale() methods. The setPutMatrix() and setInversePutMatrix() are used only to position the center of rotation. Also, keep in mind that setCurrentHPR() takes radians, not degrees.


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