I agree with Robert that you need to jettison GLUT. It's a mickey mouse
framework for mickey mouse apps. It was never intended to be used in "real"
applications. Embedding an OSG viewer in a GLUT window reduces the viewer
down to running single threaded which is not good for performance.

Our application currently uses OSG and OpenGL together. Our OpenGL rendering
is in a wrapper which happens in a post draw callback. This seems to work
fine. The key is in state management since OSG and OpenGL share the same
render context. 

Our goal is to eventually port the OpenGL rendering over to OSG but for the
time being this is what we're doing to get by.


-----Original Message-----
From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org
[mailto:osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Mukund
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 11:29 AM
To: osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
Subject: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph with glut support


im using OpenSceneGraph for the past 2 days. Well, i would be needing it
mostly for terrain rendering.

i was wondering if i can use OSG with some low level gl functions?

What i mean is,

say im using OpenSceneGraph. Now i want to use some gl functions, can i use
both together.

something like this:


/* Use gl functions, build the projection matrix */
/* Now build the modelview matrix */
/* Now i build some scene using OSG */

/* gl functions to render */

Can i use this approach. i would like to use the lower level flexibility +
the ease with higher level APIs. Is this possible?

This is exactly like the question asked here:



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