Dear community,

Maybe someone of you can give me a hint.
I'm running Windows 7 64 Bit and osg 2.8.3.

I have a Qt application working with AdapterWidget.
Al my scene works fine and is displayed the right way.
After deleting my view (derived from AdapterWidget) and reinstantiation of the view again I have problems with sharedObjects. The same scene doesn't work any more.

The following trivial sequence of code crashes the program:

someSharedObject * createObject {
    osg::ref_ptr<someSharedObject> obj1 = new someSharedObject;
    return obj1.get();

osg::ref_ptr<someSharedObject> obj2;
obj2 = createObject();  // crashing here

After restarting the program in the console the message appears:

Fault tolerant heap shim applied to current process. This is usually due to previous crashes.

The only reason I can imagine is the existance of static variables
beeing uninitialized in the second run. Is there any hint where to look for that?
I'd like to avoid reading tons of code.

Another question in the context of testing:
I found the tool spyGlass for tracking GL-calls. Is there any way to build it without visual studio?
Like configure;make;make install ?
Or ist there any other recommended tool?

Thanks for any hints.

- Werner -

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