Hi J-S,

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
<jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com> wrote:

> Here are the changes I have made to maya2osg.
> 1. I have modified the CMake config so it will use the OSG release and debug
> versions correctly.
> 2. I made the Maya install directory user-visible because it might not be in
> Program Files... It is settable at install time.
> 3. I set the debug, release with debug info and min size release postfixes
> to empty so that you can compile/install either version and Maya will load
> it correctly (by default they are "d", "rd" and "s").
> 4. I removed the CONFIG_PROJECT macro since it was now being used only for
> OpenGL (since FindOSGHelper does all the work for OSG).
> 5. I aded the possibility for parallel building on MSVC. On my 8 core it
> builds much quicker :-)
> 6. The only code change is that I added .get() where needed so the plugin
> would compile when OSG is built with OSG_REF_PTR_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION
> disabled.

  Thank you very much. They are submitted to svn/trunk. Now the CMake
script works like a charm. I hope to port it to Linux next monday. Now
in VS debug mode works like a charm, did you finally manage to debug
Maya and Maya2OSG from VS?

> I noticed that you've made changes to fix the normal mapping, but for me the
> plugin seems to make Maya crash when I press the Export button. I tried to
> debug the crash, but the plugin built in debug doesn't crash... And in
> release with debug symbols, the crash doesn't seem to happen in the plugin
> itself, because I don't get a coherent stack trace. I'm assuming you tested
> your change and it doesn't crash for you, so it's probably something
> specific to my setup. I'll let you know when I have more information.

  Actually, I didn't change anything there yet. It was Peter who
submitted some changes related with the bumpmapping problems we
detected. It was an UI option that accidentally disappeared that
allowed to enable/disable bumpmapping export.

  I also noticed a bug in this code that make the plug-in crash when
the bump texture cannot be loaded. It is already fixed, but I don't
think it is the same problem you're finding. I am still working on all
these and haven't reviewed yet all the changes in the last months that
could cause the bump problems.

  However, if you can send me the scene that is crashing on your
system, in case it is not too complex, I can test directly with it.


Javier Taibo
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