Hi scat,
if you need to use OSG with Qt I suggest to try a more recent OSG version. If 
you download OSG 2.9.14 you can find the osgQt lib and a osgviewerQtContext 

To build OSG on windows I did as follows. Considering you have an osg dir and 
you have unpacked the "OpenSceneGraph-2.9.14.zip" archive in a  
OpenSceneGraph-2.9.14 dir under the osg dir.
1) open a command prompt
2) cd your osg dir
3) mkdir build
4) cd build
5) run something like:
"C:\Progra~1\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
6) cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "NMake Makefiles" ../OpenSceneGraph-2.9.14
7) nmake

Moreover, at point 6 you could specify some more parameters to build plug-ins 
like jpeg, png, freetype ... or to build the examples. At point 7 you can 
specify the libs to build ("nmake help" to have the list).


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