Thanks! This is in r12464 on the 2.8 branch.

On 5/26/2011 4:41 PM, Ryan Pavlik wrote:

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Ryan Pavlik <
<>> wrote:

    On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Paul Martz <
    <>> wrote:

        Hi Ryan -- I just wanted to alert you that the 2.8 branch now contains
        some changes that will likely break the wrappers: Texture2DMultisample
        support (you'll probably need to add support for this new
        StateAttribute) and some changes to osgText. If you could provide
        updated wrappers, that would be great. Thanks!

        Also, you mentioned some additional changes to osgconv. I'm still
        waiting on those.

        The only other work to be done is the 3ds backport, and I understand
        that's in progress, so hopefully done soon.

        We're vary close to a release candidate.

    I've updated the wrappers, and am running a test build overnight.  Will get
    those to you soon.


OK, I've attached the updated wrappers for the 2.8 branch. I've test built these
on Linux 64-bit, and they do all successfully load at runtime.


Ryan Pavlik
HCI Graduate Student
Virtual Reality Applications Center
Iowa State University <>

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  -Paul Martz      Skew Matrix Software
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