Hi, I'm using OSG & Qt to build a visualizer for my thesis. I'm completely new 
to OSG and almost as new to Computer Graphics Programming too, so please don't 
mad on me and be patient ;-) 

I need to know how to get the list of supported file formats in order to use 
QFileDialog with the proper extension filters. I'm trying this in a slot of my 
main window:


void MainWindow::loadFile()
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Registry> registry = osgDB::Registry::instance();
    osgDB::Registry::ReaderWriterList readers = registry->getReaderWriterList();
    osgDB::Registry::ReaderWriterList::iterator it;
    osgDB::ReaderWriter::FormatDescriptionMap descrMap;
    osgDB::ReaderWriter::FormatDescriptionMap::iterator descrMapIt;

    qDebug() << readers.size() << " registered ReaderWriters";

    for (it = readers.begin(); it != readers.end(); it++) {
        descrMap = (*it)->supportedOptions();

        for( descrMapIt = descrMap.begin(); descrMapIt != descrMap.end(); 
descrMapIt++) {
            //std::cout << (*descrMapIt);

    QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
                            this, tr("Load a File:"),
                            QDir::homePath(), "OpenSceneGraph (*.osg)"

    if ( !filename.isNull() ) {

But qDebug() always says that there are no registered ReaderWriters. I'd expect 
to get the native osg ReaderWriter as a minimum, but I can't get that even. 

Thank you!

Daniel :D  :D  :?  :(  :( [/code]

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