
Everybody,I got some problem in the terrainmodeling by VPB.
1,I find many code like"log(osg::INFO,"SourceData::readShapeFile")" in the 
VPB's source,I wonder if i can output the log's data into a file when I use the 
osgDEM,so I can track what's done during the modeling process.
2,If I want to get the terrain model of just exactly the area in a polygon,for 
example,300m within the centerline of a highway,while the part that is outside 
of the polygon is not necessary and is not generated to improve the rendering 
performance. How can I achieve it,just set the DEM value to NoData for the 
useless area,or rewrite some important function in the DestinationTile or 

3,are them compatible between the VPB's latest version and OSG3.0.

Thank you All!Any suggestion is appreciated!


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