For those of you who live in the US, this was a great, GREAT episode of
"This American Life" on NPR last weekend. It talks about how absolutely
insane the patent system is in the US. It's so absurd and depressing I
honestly want to stop being a programmer and become an IP lawyer just so
I can fight these guys.

I wonder... how long will it be before these "extortionists" worm their
way out of the mobile software market and into the games and
system-level world? We avoid some of the heat now just because we aren't
on the radar, but it won't be long before someone is awarded a patent
for "A System And Method For Dynamically Colorizing Triangular Regions
In Multidimensional Space" and we're all having to pay royalties...

And it wouldn't matter that the patent would be absolute crap; unless
you have the millions required to fight it in court, you're screwed.
Prior art or otherwise. It isn't about who is right or wrong it seems,
but rather, who has more money to litigate.

So frustrating...

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