That's one hell of a error. ¡He doesn't reach the initOsgWindow function!

I've never seen it, but I have some ideas. First it's the same error for
both of them. This must be some Native compatibility isue. I've heard that
the EglView in which the example is based has some troubles with some
devices but no one has said something solid about it. So, try to check by
debug or just Log (quicker) which methods of the if onDraw is
calle before onSurfaceChange or if onSurfaceChanged is never called we'll
hace to see if there has been some changes in the API that requiere a SDK
target version on the manifest. If not... well we'll see.

2011/8/17 Riccardo Corsi <>

> Hi Jorge and all,
> I start a new thread as I don't want to pollute the other -
> which mainly talks about building for Android.
> Basically the issue is that osgAndroidExampleGLES1 doesn't work when
> deployed to my Acer Iconia A500, running Android 3.1
> (while the same build works just fine on the Nexus S running Android 2.3.4)
> The application starts up for a couple of seconds, and when it's about to
> create the osg blue screen it dies.
> I attach the logcat, even though I couldn't understand from it what's the
> reason that makes the viewer die...
> The same happens with the GLES2 example, for which I attach the logcat as
> well.
> I'm still investigating and will post if I have some news,
> any hint is appreciated.
> Ricky
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