Seriously READ the documentation:

Particularities of OSG in

There are some particularities that you need to know before compiling and
using OSG in Android:

   - OSG in Android only supports Static linking.
   - OSG needs to be compiled with OpenGL ES 1.x OR 2.0
   - *Environmental mapping doesn't work.*
   - Automatic Shaders don't work.
   - Multithreading Handler doesn't work.
   - osgSim and osgShadow won't work if you don't link also freetype.

It's an OpenGL 1.1 extension if I remember well and it's different from
environmental mapping in OpenGL so it's not supported BUT you can code it to
make it possible.


To use jpeg, png and others...

3rd Party 

To ease the development of aplications, there is a 3rd party dependency pack
with libjpeg,libpng, libtiff,libcurl and freetype to use with
Android. It will work only with armeabi v5 and v7(With Neon extensions).

Which mean that they are compiled previous to discover the Neon-Tegra2
issue. So you can only use v5 with it. (Or combine v5 in a v7 compile that
should work too while we make another version)

2011/9/13 Marc Sticksen <>

> Hi,
> so basically textures should work? When I´m loading cow.osg, texture
> doesn´t appear.
> Code:
> > 09-13 16:35:34.140: ERROR/Osg Viewer(4492): Testing
> > 09-13 16:35:47.320: ERROR/Osg Viewer(4492): There are 1 models to load
> > 09-13 16:35:47.320: ERROR/Osg Viewer(4492): Loading:
> /sdcard/osgmodels/cow.osg
> > 09-13 16:35:47.650: ERROR/Osg Viewer(4492): Model loaded
> > 09-13 16:35:47.660: INFO/Osg Viewer(4492): Warning: TexGen::apply(State&)
> - not supported.
> > 09-13 16:35:47.750: INFO/Osg Viewer(4492): Warning: TexGen::apply(State&)
> - not supported.
> > 09-13 16:35:47.750: WARN/Osg Viewer(4492): Warning: detected OpenGL error
> 'invalid enumerant' at after RenderBin::draw(..)
> >
> Can somebody help?
> Cheers,
> Marc
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