On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 01:46 +0200, Trystan Larey-Williams wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've used osgPango successfully in the past on a different system, but am 
> facing a strange problem now. All text renders black including in all the 
> out-of-box examples (osgpangoanimation, etc), regardless of what the color is 
> set to in the markup. Anyone else run into this? My system/version info is 
> below.
> Fedora 15 / Gnome3 with proprietary nvidia drivers (280.13)
> osg version: 3.0.0
> osgPango and osgCairo 1.0.0 tag versions
> pango 1.28.4
> cairo 1.10.2
> I've tried updating to the latest versions of osgPango/Cairo as well, no 
> difference.
> Thank you!

You are encountering a driver bug. :(

You'll need the very latest OSG (with Robert's patch from last week to
change the variable naming from "foo[0]" to "foo" when appropriate).

> Cheers,
> Trystan
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=42841#42841
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