
I've made an Segment object which draw a segement from a point (x, y, z) to 
another (x, y, z) and working well.

Now, I want to draw a "Connector line" from a point in space (x, y, z) to a 
point on screen (x, y).

How can I transform my (x, y) screen point to find a equivalent (x, y, z) world 
point ?

To convert from world to screen, this works well :


double width = pCamera->getViewport()->width();
double height = pCamera->getViewport()->height();
osg::Matrixd mv = pCamera->getViewMatrix();
osg::Matrixd mp = pCamera->getProjectionMatrix();
osg::Matrixd mw = pCamera->getViewport()->computeWindowMatrix();

osg::Matrixd worldToScreen = mv * mp * mw;
osg::Vec4d position = osg::Vec4d(p_object->position(), 1.0) * worldToScreen;
position = position / position.w();

double screenX = position.x();
double screenY = height - position.y();

But to convert from screen to world coordinate,I try this and it doesn't work :


osg::Vec4d screenPosition = osg::Vec4d(screenX, height - screenY, 0.5, 1.0);
osg::Vec4d worldPosition = osg::Matrixd::inverse(worldToScreen) * 
screenPosition ;

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