Hi, Craig

Does your model have texture coordinates for tex unit 0 assigned?
If not - you should generate them with texgen or use shaders to map texture 


13.10.2011, 13:23, "Craig Fletcher" <c...@hw.ac.uk>:
> Hi,
> I would like to render a texture onto an .osg model that I have read in.  My 
> code works for a primitive sphere but not the model, instead of the texture 
> the model colour is changed to a darker grey.  Could anyone tell me what I am 
> doing wrong ?
> Basically i load the model which is ok I then create a geode pointer which 
> points to the model geode and then i set the stateset of the geode to that 
> containing the texture information.
> I have read something about setting texture coordinates ? i don't do anything 
> like this could this be my problem.
> Code below
> osg::Group *Root;
> osg::Geode *mySphereGeode;
> osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> tModel;
> osg::Geode* modelGeode;
> void createSphere()
> {
>         const double sphereRadius = 0.5;
>         osg::Sphere* mySphere = new 
> osg::Sphere(osg::Vec3d(0,0,0),sphereRadius);
>         osg::ShapeDrawable* mySphereDrawable = new 
> osg::ShapeDrawable(mySphere);
>         mySphereGeode = new osg::Geode();
>         mySphereGeode->addDrawable(mySphereDrawable);
>         mySphereGeode->setName("mySphere");
>         osg::PositionAttitudeTransform * mySpherePAT = new 
> osg::PositionAttitudeTransform();
>         mySpherePAT->addChild(mySphereGeode);
>         Root->addChild(mySpherePAT);
> }
> void setTexture(osg::Geode *myGeode)
> {
>         osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D;
>         texture->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC);
>         texture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, 
> osg::Texture::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
>     texture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR);
>     texture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::CLAMP);
>     texture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::CLAMP);
>         osg::Image* img = osgDB::readImageFile("drillText.tga");
>         if (!img)
>         {
>                 //std::cout << " couldn't find texture, quiting." << 
> std::endl;
>                 //return -1;
>         }
>         texture->setImage(img);
>         osg::StateSet* stateOne = new osg::StateSet();
>         // Assign texture unit 0 of our new StateSet to the texture
>         //  we just created and enable the texture.
>         stateOne->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0,texture,osg::StateAttribute::ON);
>         //myGeode->setStateSet(stateOne);
>         myGeode->setStateSet(stateOne);
> }
> void loadModel(char* name)
> {
>         osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> tModel = osgDB::readNodeFile(name);
>         osg::PositionAttitudeTransform* modelPAT = new 
> osg::PositionAttitudeTransform();
>         tModel->setName(name);
>         if(!tModel)
>         {
>                 //throw std::string("Error! Could not load node file.");
>                 //return 0;
>         }
>         tModel->setDataVariance( osg::Object::STATIC );
>         modelPAT->setPosition(osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 0));
>         modelPAT->addChild(tModel.get());
>         Root->addChild(modelPAT);
>         GeodeFinder myGeodeFinda;
>         Root->accept(myGeodeFinda);
>         modelGeode = myGeodeFinda.getGeode(name);
> }
> void main(void)
> {
>         Root = new osg::Group();
>         //createSphere();
>         //setTexture(mySphereGeode);
>         loadModel("cyl60x10.osg");
>         setTexture(modelGeode);
>         osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
>         viewer.setUpViewInWindow( 50, 50, 768, 768 );
>         viewer.setSceneData(Root);
>         viewer.run();
> }
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Craig
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=43385#43385
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