Hi Jonathan,

I used osgdem to create a Terraindatabase from 2 image files (Heightmap and 
Colormap). Is there any way to access the height information in a texture? I 
need to do some calculations in the shader for which i need informations abount 
the surrounding terrain height, at guessed that it would be the easiest to look 
them up from a texture - but i only have the colormap in the *.ive files.

If you can relate scene units to real height in some way (say scene units are meters and Z=0 corresponds to "H" meters above sea level) then it's pretty trivial to do this without even having the height in a texture. Just transform vertex coordinates to world space in the vertex shader, output those in a varying, and in the fragment shader you'll have the world-space location of your pixel. The Z of this will be the height, relative to "H" above. You can pass "H" to the shaders in a uniform that you set at your scene root.

If you're in a weird projection then I wouldn't know, but this should work fine for flat-earth models I think.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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