
here's a video showing the capabilities of the dtEntity property editor:


The property editor can be used to modify game objects on the fly, add 
functionality, create hierarchical property structures.

The particle component has a number of properties: Mass, AlphaRange, 
TextureFile and so on. There is an xml file (BaseAssets\Delegates\Particle.xml) 
that defines the way the property editor handles the editing of these 
properties: The line
[code]<colorinput propertyname="ColorRangeMax" />[/code]
defines that the property named ColorRangeMax should be edited with a color 
selection dialog. 
The array properties are configured in this file, too: The xml file defines a 
prototype property that is to be inserted into the array when the + button is 
pressed.  There is also a group property, which can be used to group properties 
together, which is useful if you want to combine a number of proeprties into a 
single array entry. The switch input lets the user choose an entry from a combo 
box and shows corresponding sub properties. 

These primitives can be combined to create complex menus. The video shows how 
the property editor can be used to manage the complex setup of the osg particle 
system. While not all available functionality of the particle system library is 
currently editable, there should be no reason why it should not be possible to 
add these.

If you want to check out dtEntity, the homepage is 

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