Hi Sam,

Can you post processing on the pixels be done entirely on the GPU?  If
so then the best way would be to render the entire scene to a FBO and
then re-render this FBO's texture with your post-processing shader.
This will result in much better performance than if you have to
fallback to using a glReadPixels and doing processing on the CPU as
the later will require a round trip to the GPU and stall the graphics
pipeline in the process.


On 30 November 2011 23:47, Sam James <itsmike...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm fairly new to osg and graphics programming in general, so please bear 
> with me  :)
> I am looking to retrieve the pixels from my scene after everything (except 
> the post processing/overlay stuff) has been rendered. I need to get this 
> every frame to perform some simple image analysis of the scene which then 
> will effect how the final frame is displayed. The main catch is I need this 
> to be fast so that I don't take any major performance hits.
> I plan to use a PostDrawCallback, but does the FBO allow me to avoid calling 
> glReadPixels or speed it up at all? If so how do I set it up to do so? Or are 
> there any other ways to avoid copying to main mem?
> Also, after the PostDrawCallback is it possible to still use a frag shader to 
> modify the scene after I perform my analysis, or do I have to modify the 
> pixels in my callback function?
> Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=44151#44151
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