Hi Vincent,

I'm not clear on what you are after, but I can say that there isn't
anything close to resembling what you are talking about in the OSG so
you'll need to roll your own visitor.


On 16 January 2012 08:36, Vincent Bourdier <vincent.bourd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Looking in the archives I didn't get any interesting answer so here is the
> question :
> Is there any way using OSG to compute the distance between a graph and a
> point ?
> (not just with the vertices but also with edges and the triangles)
> I could implement my own visitor to traverse all element (vertex, ege and
> face) but I'm looking for something more optimized or more easy to do in a
> few days if possible...
> Thanks.
> Regards,
>    Vincent.
> --
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