
I've encountered a problem when using the OpenFlight plugin with preserveFace/preserveObject option not used. If the perserveFace options is not used, the importer uses the Optimizer with the following options:

                    osgUtil::Optimizer::SHARE_DUPLICATE_STATE |
                    osgUtil::Optimizer::MERGE_GEOMETRY |
                    osgUtil::Optimizer::MERGE_GEODES |
                    osgUtil::Optimizer::TESSELLATE_GEOMETRY |

This unfortunately breaks the sorting of transparent objects, as in my example all forests (represented by simple quads/polygons) are put into one geode. After digging into the optimizer, I realized, that it will not check if the statesets contain any transparency. Would you consider this rather a bug in the Optimizer or more a mis-usage in the OpenFlight importer?

As the osgviewer doesn't disable depth writes for transparent objects, the problem is only visible if you use the transparent-bin with depth writes off, which leads me to another question:

Would it be wise to turn off depth writes for the transparent bin by default ( or a least make it configurable for the osgviewer)?


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