On 01/27/2012 04:38 AM, Sergey Polischuk wrote:
As a side note:
if you were using vbo's instead of display lists for drawing i think you werent 
get into this problem in first place, as with vbos 5500 draw calls would 
happily kill your performance even on one screen, so you have to optimize your 
models. Nvidia drivers are great at optimizing consecutive calls to draw 
display lists so they become cheap as dirt and you can do thousands of them, 
may be this fails on multiple screen setups?

Hi, Sergey,

I did play around with VBO vs. display lists early on. It didn't really change the performance much regardless of which I used. Keep in mind that this is all static geometry which is going to be resident on the GPU. I don't think modern drivers would distinguish much between VBO's in STATIC_DRAW mode and display lists.


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