Hi everyone,

I've been speaking with some of the folks on the FlightGear forum about a 
problem I'm having, and I was recommended to contact this group for some help. 
I'm trying to project an image onto a curved screen using a video projector and 
a hemispherical mirror. Basically, images are applied to a texture, then 
applied to a warped matrix, and then displayed. 

The author of those papers was kind enough to share his code libraries with me, 
too. Unfortunately, the board says I need to make two posts before posting 
URLs. So as soon as I get there, I'll post the links to the libraries.

The problem, however, is that the code is written for OpenGL, not OSG. I've 
been told that OSG does something similar using the Anaglyph 3D support, but 
I'm not sure how to implement it. I'm not a programmer, but I'm willing to 
learn and do as much as I can just so I can get this to work.

Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated! 



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