Hi Renato,

I haven't read your other postings, but to answer this and in
anticipation of what your next questions may be, I'd like to point you
to a site that will help with a lot of what goes on under the hood.
First to answer your question go and read this little primer on modern
opengl vertex arrays:


It will explain what is going on under the hood of OpenSceneGraph. What
OSG does is get rid of you having to maintain all of the opengl state
and focus on the data. Your question about the index array is directly
answered there.

Dig around the top pages and you will most likely find the answers to
your future questions:


OSG uses transpose matrices. You don't have to understand that to use
OSG, but if you know linear algebra and are planning on manipulating
matrices by hand you need to know that.

Good luck!

On Thu, 1 Mar 2012, Renato Oliveira wrote:


Sorry for this question, but i want to know exaclty what is an indice and what 
is used for. the way that i understood is basicly an ID number to the vertexes? 
i am a completly noob in 3D graphics programming and some terms i quite dont 
understand yet.

Thank you!


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Keith Parkins                    U of R Center for Visual Science
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