Hi Preet,

> 48 rings and 72

This isn't a particular big mesh at all - the osgparametric example
creates a 708x708 mesh for roughly 1 million triangles, it runs at a
solid 60Hz on even my 8 year old laptop, so we can safely say that
size of the mesh is not a problem.  You'd have to have a pretty crappy
graphics card and drivers not to be able scale up.  What is the

The OSG viewer will automatically assign a TrackballManipulator when
you call viewer.run() and this will set it's home position to the
center of your model.  As for the coordinates - it's certainly not
ideal to use ECEF coords with floats, but all that should happen is
you'll get a bit of jitter on the coordinate position.  There are ways
of solving this - a topic that has been discussed many times before
here so just look in the archives for discussion about whole earth


On 1 March 2012 18:14, Preet <prismatic.proj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it might be a scale issue wrt to the camera. I just found out
> about the OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL env var, and I get a bunch of messages
> about the viewer's drawing traversal:
> cull_draw() 0x988f788
> _clampProjectionMatrix not applied, invalid depth range, znear =
> 3.40282e+38  zfar = -3.40282e+38
> end cull_draw() 0x988f788
> I'm using large scaled units (ie, millions) in the scene. Maybe the
> geometry isn't within the camera's frustum, or something like that? I
> don't get why change the number of vertices that make up the geometry
> would cause a change like that though.
> I construct a spheroid using arguments for parameters that correspond
> to latitude / longitude style divisions. The latitude argument defines
> how many 'rings' go down one axis of the sphere, and the longitude
> argument defines how many 'sectors' each 'ring' is divided into. So if
> I specify 36 rings and 72 sectors for each ring, I expect my sphere to
> have (36*72) vertices. This works fine. If I up the ante to 48 rings
> and 72 sectors, osgViewer won't show the geometry.
> The function I call isn't doing anything special... and seems to
> complete fine before being sent to the viewer.
> http://pastie.org/3497231 - line 184 is where I defined the function.
> I'm going to
> Preet
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Sebastian Messerschmidt
> <sebastian.messerschm...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi Preet,
>> can you give us some more details on the limit you are hitting here?
>> Also I don't see any hints how your geometry is organized? As a single
>> drawable?
>> If the latter is the case, I guess you are simply hitting some OpenGL/Driver
>> limits regarding the maximum size of a draw array.
>> cheers
>> Sebastian
>>> Hiya,
>>> I used OpenSceneGraph to generate some straightforward geometry; an
>>> ellipsoid representing the Earth. I wrote a function which calculated
>>> vertices, normals, texture coords and indices for the geometry. The
>>> function takes the number of 'sectors' and 'rings' as arguments to
>>> generate spherical geometry. It works fine until I hit some limit as I
>>> increase the resolution of the mesh (by passing a larger number of
>>> sectors and rings to the function), after which point osgviewer
>>> doesn't display the data. There aren't any errors; the geometry just
>>> doesn't show up in the viewer. If I go back beyond some threshold the
>>> geometry shows up again. What's going on?
>>> Regards,
>>> Preet
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