On 03/12/2012 08:49 AM, David De Weerdt wrote:

I have the following osg file. If I load this in my application, it loads fine. 
If I use osgDB::writeNodeFile to write the scenegraph to a collada (.dae) file, 
the cube is not added to the collada file.
I do not get any errors/warnings and I have other osg files that I can convert 
to .dae perfectly fine. So it is probably something specific with this file.

Your file includes a ShapeDrawable. This doesn't mean anything to anyone except for OSG itself. If you want to export a cube to COLLADA, you'll need to change that ShapeDrawable cube to be a Geometry with all the necessary vertices, indexes, etc.

In general, it's best to avoid ShapeDrawables except for quick tests and toy applications. They often lead to problems like this :-)


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