Hi Diane,

2012/4/30 Diane Potter <di...@springboarddesigns.com>

> Hi Jordi,
> Joomla an Drupal are difficult from the admin side of things. Wordpress on
> the inside looks like Microsoft Word, it has bold, italics, underlined etc.
>  WP is THE most commonly used software to build websites today and it has a
> massive community where you can get free "apps" to make your website do
> whatever it wants. Checkout wordpress.org and look for a tab called
> plugins- you'll see.
I know WP quite enough. But I have to say to you that Joomla or Drupal have
a large community behind them, and a very large amount of plugins and "free
apps" like you say. I feel you don't know even Joomla or Drupal, because
editors (with bolds and italics or underlined) are common in both
platforms. Joomla is not ridicously hard, maybe WP is ridicously simple.
Anyway I am of the opinion that each framework has a niche to use it. And I
feel Joomla is a good choice for the OSG website.

> I just built this site using WP: quickhandle.com
> My site is on WP: springboarddesigns.com
> I looked at your link, I know there isn't anything being done there that
> can't be done in WP.  I just hate to see you being held hostage to an
> expensive web designer the rest of the time for every little change you
> want to make. Most of my clients go in and make small edits themselves
> because it's easy and saves them money.
I can say the same to you, there isn't anything being done there that can't
be done in Joomla or Drupal. In the other side we don't have any web
designer, this is a opensource community too, and we are'n doing this for
money  :) .

> Google WP tutorials and see for yourself how friendly the inside is. For
> example, if you want to create a new page for your website its:  Pages:
>  Edit or Add New. I mean it's pretty straight forward right?

I think some web designers feel if they can use more complicated software
> they get a longer ROI from a client because the client will NEVER figure
> out how to use it and I just don't care for that line of thought.
This is a coders community, so maybe you are not talking with completely
dummies at all. I am wondering if you have anything to do with this
community or you are simply spamming this list. If this is not true sorry
for being impolite.


> Hope this helps.
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Diane
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Jordi Torres Fabra

gvSIG 3D blog
Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial
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