PCJohn wrote on 2012-05-09: 
> Hi,
> I want to load my scene from multiple files. There should be one
> "main.osgt" file that should include or reference other files. I was
> expecting that osg::ProxyNode should serve for this purpose. Or is
> another friendly approach?
> ProxyNode difficultly: - it does not support "immediate" loading of
> referenced files, e.g. ProxyNode is loaded on the next cull traversal
> only. Not immediately.
> As a result, I can not make pure geometry processing (without scene
> visualization) as all geometries of ProxyNodes just remains on disk.
Or, is
> there an convenient approach to force ProxyNodes to be loaded?
> The best approach for me would be to indicate in osgDB::readNode()
> that I want to read specified file including all ProxyNodes within it.

Probably the easiest thing to do would be to create a
DatabaseRequestHandler subclass that loads the file immediately and
attach it to a NodeVisitor that you have traverse your model as soon as
it is loaded.

Hope this helps,
Bryan Thrall
Principal Software Engineer
FlightSafety International

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