
    I hope to use either FBX or VRML models. What are the pros and cons
    of each model?

I will echo Jan's suggestions and add a bit more info.

VRML support is pretty bad in current content creation tools (I've tested with Max and Maya primarily). The problem is mostly the way things are represented is different for each tool's exported VRML, and the amount of things in your scene that will make it into OSG is pretty low.

FBX is a bit better I have found. Both Max and Maya's exported FBX files have pretty good coverage of what is in your scene, and the OSG FBX loader is pretty good (and its primary author Michael Platings has been very responsive in the past, though it's been a while since I've seen him post on the list).

Jan's suggestion to go with a native exporter is spot-on. the Max exporter osgExp is very good, as is the Maya exporter osg2maya (just google those names). Their authors are (or have been) regular posters on this list, so bugs or things broken by changes in OSG's API (though infrequent) are normally quickly fixed. And the advantage of getting an OSG file directly is very interesting, you can write scripts that will add information to nodes directly in Max and things like that.

Essentially, this advantage is huge. You go directly from Max or Maya to .osg format, there is no intermediate format in between where information can get lost in the conversion... Whoever makes the models in Max or Maya has much better control over how their work will look in the final application, because the translation is direct, there's no need to figure out by trial and error which feature is not supported that makes it look like that and how to work around these limitations.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay              jean_...@videotron.ca

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