I'd like to help migrate the OpenSceneGraph.org website over to the new 
OpenSceneGraph.com, but I'm having a bit of trouble:

I have a login at OpenSceneGraph.com but I think I don't have author 
permissions because I don't see a button or link anywhere allowing me to submit 
new pages or edit existing ones. The Migration Tasks and Author Guidelines 
pages mention contacting the website admins about getting author permissions, 
but I don't see anywhere that actually lists who those people are or how to 
contact them.

Now, from the mailing list, I know Jordi Torres is the person to talk to :)

So, I have two questions:

Jordi, would you give me the permissions I need to help with the migration?

Can we add a page to OpenSceneGraph.com describing who the website admins are 
and how to contact them?

Bryan Thrall
Principal Software Engineer
FlightSafety International

osg-users mailing list

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