Hi, Mike

With crash under debugger at hand you gonna know precisely what happening in a 
few minutes... what point in guessing?
Also backtrace (even from release build) would help a lot.

10.08.2012, 12:47, "Mike Hatcher" <mike.hatche...@yahoo.com>:
> Hi,
> So here is the catch, my window is created full screen but it is inside of a 
> Virtual Machine running in VMware.  I have vmware tools installed to I get 
> seamless mouse transitions through between guest and host.  I'm using 
> CompositeViewer and it doesn't matter if I set the camera manipulator to NULL 
> or the Trackball manipulator or anything else.  Whenever the mouse is moved 
> outside the viewer window OSG hits a segmentation fault in 
> osgViewer::CompositeViewer::eventTraversal() called from 
> osgViewer::ViewerBase::frame()
> I'm running OSG 3.0.1 on linux (Fedora Core 17) with the OSG packages 
> available with the distribution.
> So I can understand maybe some odd behavior from the trackball manipulator 
> when the mouse is moved outside the window or something like that but a 
> segmentation fault???
> Anyone have any ideas?
> I haven't setup a debug version of OSG to use yet to try and figure out why 
> this is happening but I was hoping someone here might have either tried this 
> or have some conceptual idea of what is going on based on their massive and 
> awesome knowledge of OSG :)
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Mike
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=49222#49222
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