I have an application that loads several 2048x2048 textures in a
separate thread before passing off to the main to be applied to the
geometry. I am trying to do anything and everything I can to improve
performance on them as the number of textures will increase from several
to quite a lot. So I am looking at every option I can and have run in to
several questions that I was hoping to get some advice on. I am creating
osg::Texture2D and loading them with an osg::Image read in from a jpg


1)      Is mipmapping enabled by default? Or do I need to call

2)      If it is enabled, how many levels are created by default?

3)      Would changing the internal format mode to one of the
compression formats actually perform the compression or does that need
to be done manually?

4)      If I do need to do the compression, how can I do it without
applying it to geometry in my separate thread? I have only seen it done
via the CompressTexturesVisitor applied to a node (as in osgconv), would
I have to make some empty node and apply the texture to it to do this?

5)      Is there any way to send a texture down to the graphics card
prior to applying it to geometry?

6)      Any other efficiency things I should be looking at?


Karl Cary


Software Developer



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