Hi, Neil

I feel like (b) option is a clear winner here.If it is possible to make osg 
context shared with CAOpenGLLayer, you'll be in good shape and running without 
gpu->ram->gpu transfers. Otherwise it all depends on texture roundabout impact 
on framerate.


24.08.2012, 18:36, "Neil Clayton" <n...@shinywhitebox.com>:
> Hi All,
> I've a question or two regarding rendering contexts. While the usage is OSX 
> specific, the question is not.
> I'm rendering into a CAOpenGLLayer (I can't render directly to a NSOpenGLView 
> because I'm also using CALayer objects within the view - and these conflict 
> with the NSOpenGLView, at least in my experience).
> In essence this means I manage the OpenGL context, create an osg::Viewer and 
> use the setupViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow method. I have no problem using the 
> context created by CAOpenGLLayer (I'm basing my code on the existing 
> CocoaViewer which essentially does the same thing), I do have problems when 
> the context which OSG is now using needs to be reset.
> In CAOpenGLLayer, a context reset can be caused by (for example) a user 
> moving the window to another screen.  In this case the context might be 
> recreated because CAOpenGLLayer wants to use either a different graphics card 
> or a different pixel format.
> From what I can gather, while I'm managing the real OpenGL context myself, 
> OSG is managing it's own texture ID's (and I presume other scene OpenGL 
> resources). When the real OpenGL context is reset, OSG still believes all of 
> it's existing resources to be valid, because I've not explicitly told it 
> otherwise.
> From this I have two questions:
> a) How do I tell OSG to throw away it's managed resources (texture ID's, 
> etc), such that they are recreated at the next render pass?  Can I do this? 
> Is it even wise? Or should I be looking to throw away the viewer and recreate 
> it?
> b) Instead of the above, should I rather have OSG manage it's own context and 
> then after each OSG render pass copy the rendered result to the layer?
> For (b) I was considering rendering to a texture backed FBO, then DMA'ing 
> that texture to RAM.  I'd then DMA that back into the CAOpenGLLayer context.  
> Thus OSG wouldn't have to be concerned at all with what the layer is with 
> it's context, nor context resets.  This (to me) sounds like a reasonable 
> idea. It'd keep the OSG engine separated from the CAOpenGLLayer side of 
> things, and would allow OSG to manage everything about it's rendering 
> pipeline. The only part I don't like is the additional texture-copy to get 
> the result into another context.
> p.s: The scene being drawn is small, with only many hundreds of vertices and 
> <100 textures.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Neil
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=49508#49508
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