Hi Robert,

Hm, there is probably something I don't see. I am new to the code...

I assumed that a TerrainTile cannot be _completely_ deleted in the Terrain::update call, because if it were it _must_ have passed through Terrain::unregisterTile and then it wouldn't be in the update set to begin with. Therefore it is still safe to investigate the raw pointers in the _updateTerrainTileSet in Terrain::update.

Do you agree on the assumption? If not can you exemplify when it doesn't hold?



On Mon, 27 Aug 2012 15:49:47 +0200, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Ola,

I don't think your suggested change will help as you are taking a
reference to a potentially deleted object, the Terrain::_mutex that is
locked doesn't effected the children just the management of the
Terrain::_terrainTileMap and _updateTerrainTileSet.

My current thought is that we'll need to introduce a form of set that
manages a list of observer_ptr<> much in the same way that the
ObserverNodePath is managed, so we'll need an equivalent
ObserverNodeSet class.


On 27 August 2012 12:46, Ola Nilsson <o...@weatherone.tv> wrote:
Hi Robert et al.,

I finally got the time to investigate the code (osgTerrain/Terrain.cpp).

As I see it, it is not necessary to introduce a new data structure to hold the list of update tiles. The issue was that a TerrainTile could be partly destructed but not unregisterTile:ed, when an Terrain::update call was made. Then, a TerrainTile could get its refcount bumped while being destructed and
be deleted with a dangling ref_ptr to deleted memory.

My solution is inspired by the code in ObserverSet::addRefLock and only
modifies Terrain::traverse. I bump the raw Terrain-pointers in the update
list to ref_ptr and check their status before doing any work on them.
TerrainTiles with a refcount of 1 should be discarded (but not deleted).

I have attached the complete file. Should this conversation be continued at
osg-submissions also/instead?



Hi Ola et. al,

I've looked at the problem Terrain containers and they present an
interesting issue - the std::set<TerrainTile*> that is used can't
easily be converted into an std::set< osg::observer_ptr<TerrainTile> >
as the observer_ptr<> can have it's value changed to NULL by another
thread when destructing the observed TerrainTile and std::set<>
require their values to be const.

What will be required is a custom container of osg::oberserver_ptr<>
along the lines of osg::OberservedNodePath but written to manage it's
contents in a similar way to a std::set.

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