
I was hoping someone could help me with a camera manipulator/scaling
problem that I have been having.

I have a scene graph that contains geometry representing a hydraulic
fracture. The fracture length is of the order 1000ft, the height is of
the order 100ft, and the width is of the order .01ft. I am trying to
appy a width exaggeration factor to the model in order to artificially
inflate the geometry along the width axis (in my case it is along the
z-axis). To accomplish this, I call
osg::PositionAttitudeTransform::setScale(osg::Vec3d(1.0, 1.0, 100.0)) on
the PAT node that I use to orient the fracture in the model. This works
as expected, and the fracture width is exaggerated. However, the camera
manipulator (osgGA::TrackballManipulator) does not return to the same
home position. The larger the scale value, the further the home position
seems to be from the model. Also, the velocity of the camera (model
distance / screen pixel distance) when manipulated via the mouse
increases with the scale value. That is, dragging the mouse an inch on
the screen results in a larger camera manipulation when the scale value
is increased.

Perhaps I am making some false assumptions regarding how the camera
manipulators and scaling operations interact? Is the scaling operation
messing up a bounding box calculation somewhere? I tried computing then
drawing the bounding box of the root node, but it did not seem to change
for either case. That is, the exaggerated fracture width does not make
the overall volume of the scene any larger (as far as I can tell).

Additional information:

Lib Version: OpenSceneGraph 3.1.2 (Compiled with VS2010 on Windows 7 64-bit)
Manipulator: osgGA::TrackballManipulator

Any hints/tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Judson Weissert
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