Hi Randall,

"Randall Hand" writes:

> Hi,
> I've been programming in OpenGL for several years now, and I'm about
> to start a new project and thought OpenSG might be a good tool to use.

Be careful, OpenSG is a different project than OpenSceneGraph.

> However, I'm integrating data from lots of outside sources (gyros,
> cameras, network, etc) so I can't just do a "Viewer run()" (looking at
> doing the Viewer frame() thing), but I'm also going to have lots of
> frequently changing geometry & camera information.  All the demos I
> see simply construct a Scenegraph once at program start, then do
> "Viewer run()".  Is it possible/advisable to have frequently changing
> scenegraphs with OpenSG (eg, new nodes, dying nodes, changing nodes,
> etc).

Yes, you can make your own loop through frame().  An example can be
found at src/ViewerBase.cpp implementation of the run() method.  You can
change your graph between frame() calls, or use node callbacks for the
same purpose.  Just remember to mark changing nodes as DYNAMIC with
setDataVariance() in order for the OSG threads not modifying/reading
those nodes simultaneously.


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