Hi Bastian,

It's likely to be a driver bug, or perhaps a sensitivity in the driver
to the GLSL shaders that are used - sometimes some drivers can be more
picky than others.  I previously worked with an ATI card under Linux
with osgVolume and didn't have problems so perhaps there has been a
regression on the driver front.

To investigate further you'll need to see if there are any OpenGL
errors reported - have a look on the console to see if the OSG has
picked up on any OpenGL errors.


On 17 September 2012 15:27, Bastian Rieck
<bastian.ri...@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
> Dear list,
> we are currently facing rendering issues when using `RayTracedTechnique`
> instead of `FixedFunctionTechnique` for rendering with osgVolume.
> More precisely, we are using a Samsung NP305V5A notebook (with two AMD
> graphics cards) running Ubuntu 12.04 and OpenSceneGraph from the
> official packages (currently 3.0.1-2). See the attached screenshot for
> more details --- it shows the rendering issues that occur when trying to
> volume render a standard data set ("engine block"). The block is
> rendered normally when using `FixedFunctionTechnique`.
> Did anyone else encounter similar problems (maybe also with AMD graphics
> cards)? If so, how could we resolve them?
> We cannot reproduce the issue on our developer workstations (using
> Geforce GTX 480).
> We would be happy to add more information about this error but we
> currently do not know how to approach it properly. Any help would be
> appreciated.
> Kind regards,
>   Bastian
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