Hi Again

So I've done some more digging and seems I'm hitting a case they may be known 
to not work. 

So in the function CreateCGImageFromOSGData under the case for GL_BGRA I am 
entering the else of the if statement.

if(GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV == osg_image.getDataType()).

In there is this with the following code and comment

// FIXME: Don't know how to handle this case
bitmap_info = kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast;

What's weird is all my images seem to take this path even if I think they are 
pure rgb images.

I've found this function vImagePermuteChannels_ARGB8888, which I think can help 
me out, I just need to decide when to do it, to not break everyone else's 


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